Tuesday 25 November 2008

Landshare: a growing revolution

Hugh on Landshare from River Cottage on Vimeo.

I'm not the best gardener in the world but in our small back garden we manage an apple tree, a blackberry bramble, rhubarb, leeks and tomatoes as well as some must-have herbs such as rosemary, mint and thyme.

It's more of a snacking garden really, not enough to support a family of four, but an enjoyable source of edible goodies for us to pick at.

Just imagine if we had more land, with space to share, to grow more produce and the opportunity to learn from others and share the work. Imagine what we might grow then.

But with an increase in people who want to grow their own combined with long waiting lists for allotments, the opportunities are limited, which is why projects such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's Landshare have got a huge part to play. So have a gander at the video and please spread the news on what might become the next down-shifting revolution.

And if you know someone with land, send them the link. I've already done this...so keep your fingers crossed and watch this space. If the council can't find some land to help people grow their own in my neck of the woods ...perhaps someone else can.

For more information visit www.rivercottage.net/landshare



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