Monday 18 May 2009

Check this out! I've made some zero waste crisps!

Well folks, if you squint and focus on the above picture, you'll see the results of my latest challenge and I am chuffed to bits!

As you know I love crisps.

But as you also know the packaging ends up in landfill.

So, I've strived forth and attempted to make my own.

And it's worked! What you see above is my third batch. The best thing is that they're so easy and cheap too and can be quickly baked in the oven while you're cooking something else. Using a couple of spuds from my latest sack of potatoes, tonight's batch must have cost about 10p at the most, including the spray of olive oil.

So if you want to have a go yourself, here's the low-down!

1. Slice the potatoes very thinly and lay the slices on a baking tray.

2. Spray with olive and season with a little salt. Alternatively add pepper, a sprinkle of chilli powder or another seasoning of your choice.

3. Place in a hot oven (preheated at about 200 degrees) for approximately 30-40 minutes, turning them over after the first 15 minutes. With a little patience, you'll soon have your very own zero waste snack.

Top tip: after 25 minutes, it's worth checking about every 5 minutes to retrieve individual slices as they finish cooking. Otherwise you'll end up with a snack that's burnt to crisp than one that you'll enjoy.

So that's one less things to buy at the shops. And with results like this, I think I might even be able to give up the quavers. After all, I might have succeeded at my own crisps, but curly cheesy snacks could be just one challenge too far.



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