Monday 21 April 2008

Try Zero Waste for Earth Day

It's Earth Day this Tuesday (22nd April), so if you fancy doing something different and are up for the challenge, why don't you attempt Zero Waste for just one day. It doesn't even have to be on Earth Day, any day this week will do.

All it means is buying nothing with packaging that can't be recycled or composted and throwing nothing away in your landfill bin. Some ideas include cooking less to avoid food waste and while you're at it, skip the crisps and chocolate bars. If you have a packed lunch avoid clingfilm and use a container or aluminium foil instead. Have I made it sound easy? I hope so.

Challenge your friends, family and colleagues and indeed other bloggers. It's just for one day, but you never could get hooked!

P.S. I am still on a blogging break as mentioned below. This post has benefited from the advance publishing feature of the test version of Blogger. I know it's cheating, but the technology is there to be used! So while you are busy getting enthused or scratching your head over the possibilities, I'm enjoying that spell of downshift time and will probably be in the garden planting my sunflower seeds.



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