Sunday 25 January 2009

Busy watching my garden

This weekend is the RSPB's GARDEN WATCH, where they're asking people all around the UK to spend just one hour watching their garden and record the birds that they see. Just one hour that's all, an opportunity to relax and look out for your feathered friends. And if you have leftovers from your Sunday lunch, this is the perfect opportunity to put them to good use, as birds are happy to peck at such a wide variety of food, including mashed up potato and pastry.

And don't forget they love fatballs too. So don't pour your fat down the drain. Instead pour it into a mould and then chill in the fridge. If you don't have a ready-made mould, you can make one yourself with a plastic bag inside a toilet roll inner - [that's what I meant to say in the video last week, but what wonderful alternative suggestions you left]. Remember to feed a piece of string through first and when full, prop up in mug or cup in the fridge for a few hours. Alternatively, spread the fat around a fircone. When the fat starts to harden, coat with bird seed or breadcrumbs.

Lots more information about feeding the birds and how to register your birdwatch can be found at the official 2009 GARDEN WATCH website (Thanks to blog reader Baba for the tip-off)

As well as watching the birds I've got a jam-packed week with children's recycling workshops, sorting out the garden, submitting my tax returns and preparing for another exciting project that's coming up. So not much time to blog.

But before I go, I'd like to send my very best wishes and support to the 1500 folk in Gloucestershire who have signed up for their very own zero waste week. Launched by best-selling author Jilly Cooper, the challenge officially starts tomorrow. Mrs Green and her family over at MyZeroWaste are joining in from the Forest of Dean, so don't forget to pop over to see how they get on. She'll show you how she's using her toilet roll inners too.

So enjoy your bird-watching, bin slimming and other zero waste activities. I look forward to seeing you soon. And if you have to fill in a tax return too...I truly empathise. xxx


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