Monday 15 June 2009

British Mummy Bloggers do Recycle Week

Well the Recycle Week plans are about to kick off big-style.

And with exactly one week to go until Recycle Now's big campaign week, I am roping in the help of some of my old blogging friends over at the British Mummy Bloggers network. Well I did pledge that as well as recycling cartons, I would also make it easier for those in my community to waste less and that includes my online community too.

Not many people may know this (ok, that probably means the rest of the world), but before I started blogging about rubbish I was a 100% mummy blogger. These days I suppose I am more of a Mummy Garblogger, juggling the constant demands of the kids with one hand whilst promoting rubbish reducing strategies with the other.

These days my life is often reminiscent of a micro civil war, with the cry of "Mummy, I want, I want, I want" being called from the battlefields, met by the defiance of "Not on your nelly" being launched from an inner stronghold - located somewhere behind the much battered defences, normally known as the recycling bin.

Anyway, I pledged I'd make it easier for folk to waste less and I thought there'd be no better place to start than to spread the word about Recycle Week amongst the British Mummy Blogger network whose talented members are always up for supporting a good cause. Who knows, maybe I can turn them into Mummy Garbloggers too.

So today I am launching a new meme tag, with the challenge to see how many of the 300-or-so BMB members can sign up to a Recycle Week pledge over the next two weeks as well as blog about it!

And the rules are easy:

1. Visit and sign up to one of the pledges to waste less.

2. Share details of your pledge on your own blog.

3. Chose five other bloggers, who will also be up for a bit of recycling fun.

4. Come back to this post at The Rubbish Diet and share your pledge with others, by placing a link to your pledge in the comments field.

5. Optional - as a thank you to all involved The Rubbish Diet will be publishing a British Mummy Bloggers' Recycle Week carnival on Monday 29th June. To be included, simply submit your favourite post revealing the progress of your pledge by Saturday 27th June - email to karen[at]therubbishdiet[dot]co[dot]uk.

I've never launched a blog tag before, so the truth is, this is quite a daunting experience. How many bloggers will take up the Recycle Week pledge and how will they get on?

But with pledges that are as easy as "looking for new recycling labels when going shopping" to more tricky ones such as attempting a "Rubbish-free day", there is something for everyone to get their teeth into. And I expect there will be some funny tales too.

So, to kick off the British Mummy Bloggers' Recycle Week tag, I have the pleasure of tagging five fabulous bloggers, who I think will be up for a recycling challenge.

1. Susanna at A Modern Mother, who not only is fantastic at PR, but is a wonderful creative writer AND is also the founder of the British Mummy Blogger network in the UK. I admit this tag is a bit of a cheat because she has already made her own pledge, which you can find about here.

2. Rosie from Rosie Scribble, a wonderful writer and old blogging buddy who tells the funniest of tales about motherhood and friendships.

3. The fabulous and thrifty Nixdminx, who I know will tackle the mission in a stylish and urbanite way and will have us laughing all the way to the recycling bank.

4. Liz, author of the most beautful blog Violet Posy. She's almost a blogging neighbour, she lives that close. Well, half an hour's train ride to Ely. Who knows, maybe we will finally make it for coffee.

5. And of course Jo, as in the talented Jo Beaufoix who signed up to The Rubbish Diet treatment last year and managed to cut her rubbish in half. I can't wait to see what she does this time for Recycle Week.

So while I leave it to this fabulous group to share the recycling love around the online community, I have got my work cut out figuring out my final plans to help reduce waste in my local community. Do drop by later this week to find out more about what else I'm up to.

And don't forget, if you're a mummy or indeed a dad who blogs (yes, despite the name, men are welcome too) why not join the British Mummy Bloggers network, where there are plenty of opportunities to join in with reviews, PR opportunities and sponsored get-togethers. For more details visit

And for those readers who are not part of the BMB network but would like to promote the benefits of Recycle Week, why not launch your own blog tag through your regular network of bloggers and find out what other people are up to.


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