Monday 22 June 2009

Day 1: James and Sally make their pledges on BBC Radio Suffolk

Well Day 1 of Recycle Week got off to a great start after all. It wasn't quite a case of planes, trains and automobiles, but with the aid of a bus and a railway carriage I eventually got to BBC Radio Suffolk, just in time to appear on the James Hazell show.

And the great news is, both James and Sal have both committed to doing their pledge for Recycle Week.

Live on air, James said he would remember to reuse his bags when doing the shopping. And if he doesn't he's promised not to nag or moan or whinge or whine when off shopping with his partner, who is also coincidentally called Karen.

And Sally, his producer has promised to go for a Rubbish Free Day. If she doesn't make it, James has insisted he will make her clean out all the hair, nail clippings and goodness knows what else is lurking in and around the office computer equipment.

Poor Sal - it doesn't feel fair somehow.

So I've told Sally I'll help her. I can't possibly stand by and see her do all those nasty things. She's got my direct line for help if needed. However, judging by how much she does on the recycling front, I reckon she'll have no trouble at all.

So how will they get on? Keep tuning in to BBC Radio Suffolk this week to find out. 9.30am -, weekdays

But if you can't make it, listen in again next Wednesday 1st July, when I'll be dropping in again for a catch up.

Good luck guys...and I promise I will be so good at my own personal pledge this week, I will definitely not, that's right.... NOT.... be singing live on air.

(James and Sally, proudly showing off the radio studio's recycling bin)



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